Borne out of the fact that charity begins at home, the Olugbenga Akintola Foundation & Sir Michael M Familusi Foundation Free Diabetes and Hypertension Clinic was set up to provide Medical Missions by the Foundation to citizens across Osun State.
Diabetes and Hypertension remains the commonest chronic disease and a major cause of sudden death and morbidity in our people. These two diseases are under-diagnosed and under-treated. The first symptom unlike Malaria is usually a stroke or death.
The program was developed to further the work and participation of Olugbenga Akintola in Sir Michael Mofoluso Familusi Foundation and UYI Ijesa Foundation.
Since commencement of programs in 2012, Olugbenga Akintola has been a sponsor and donor to Sir Michael M Familusi Foundation. Spanning the five years of its existence, the clinic has treated over 60,000 clients and continues to treat approximately 400 patients monthly for follow-ups and re-dispensing of their free medications. This program was established to serve the people of Imesi-Ile and its environs.
UYI Ijesa Foundation, founded in established the program to serve the people of Ilesa. The program has been seeing about 130 patients a month and providing free check-ups and treatment for diabetes and hypertension.
The Olugbenga Akintola Foundation & Sir Michael M Familusi Foundation will now take this program state wide into every local government of Osun State.
At the monthly 2 days session, the patients’ blood pressures are checked, their blood sugar levels are monitored, and patients requiring intervention are given a free month’s supply medication. Health talks and educational awareness are also provided.
We have successfully reduced the mortality and the morbidity rate from these two diagnoses over the past 5 years in Imesi-Ile, its environ including Ilare, Ibokun, Ilase and as far as Osogbo.
The clinic was set up by a board of Certified Internal Medicine Specialists from the United States with set protocols and medications imported from the United States. The clinic is staffed monthly by a Pharmacist, Registered Nurse and two Health Technicians. The patients are seen every 3 months by the doctor to review their medications and progress. The approximate cost of the care of one patient is N15,000.00 per year – and the Foundation will provide care FREE OF CHARGE to Osun citizens across the state.
At this juncture, Olugbenga Akintola Foundation & Sir Michael M Familusi Foundation will expand this program to other villages with appropriate sponsors across Osun State in all local government.
We hereby invite the great sons and daughters of Osun state State to rise and sponsor their villages or Local Government.
The sponsors will help source a location for the monthly event which could be a flat or a small house with 2 bedrooms and a functioning sink and toilet facility. We will also request recruitment of local volunteers such as a nurse or doctor to participate monthly.
Olugbenga Akintola Foundation & Sir Michael M Familusi Foundation will provide all medications and equipment necessary, support personnel, training of the locals and ongoing supervision to ensure sustainability and effective program delivery. A minimum of one-year commitment is desired before we start the project in any village or town because these two ailments are chronic diseases that require monthly monitoring and ongoing treatment. Making the diagnosis of the disease, without following up with treatment is inhumane.
With the current blueprint of the program we have run for over 5 years, we are confident that we can replicate the program in other villages or towns state wide in Osun State.